dota 2 cant download replays

dota 2 cant download replays
Thread: Replays should be downloadable and able to be watched in.
Hi, I was asking myself if you can get your own replays, i mean from your games, so if u want. I honestly can't find "recent games" in my menu.
DotA Top 10 Weekly - #27 by Helical. Cant download replays (1693 reads, 5 replies, 2 years ago). Small stars represents one level - This user is on level 2.
Feb 23, 2013. I have the same problem, and have since installing the game. It is mind-boggling that such a bug exists, because it also affects the tournament.
Download Error 206 - Page 10 - Dota2 Dev - Dota 2.
Feb 12, 2013. Tried everything like reinstalling Dota 2 and Steam. I know you can't download Ticket Replays using DotaBuff can someone upload the.
I can't download any replay, when I press the button "Details" the match .. Also I cannot watch replays by loading them from the DOTA2 folder.
An Error message appear if i try to download my replays! pls. help valve.
replays in DOTA 2 DotA Chat.. If you still can't find it, then you either modified the install path of dota 2/steam, or you're retarded.
hello, i cant download replays, maybe 1-2/10 will let me download, the rest give me a failure to decompress error, dota 2 beta, not test build i.
tournament replays - Dota2 Dev - Dota 2.
Can't download replays. :: Dota 2 Generelle diskusjoner.
DotA 2 Replay Archive: Darer vs Na'Vi | GosuGamers.
Build Guide DOTA 2: Dota 2 Replay Guide - DOTAFire.