confusion matrix in r package

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confusion matrix in r package
Re: [R] e1071 SVM: Cross-validation error confusion matrix.
Feb 27, 2009. Re: [R] Random Forest confusion matrix. This message. Why the two matrices are different? > Thinks, >. mailing list.
selecting only corresponding categories from a confusion matrix. Dear R colleagues, as a result of my calculations regarding the inter-observer-variability in bronchoscopy, I get a confusion.
Dec 2, 2012. Re: [R] e1071 SVM: Cross-validation error confusion matrix. rahul143 wrote > Hi, > > I ran two svm models in R e1071 package: the first.
[R] a question about using function ssanova of package gss in R version 2.14.1 ( 2011-12-22) .. [R] e1071 SVM: Cross-validation error confusion matrix.
[R] e1071 SVM: Cross-validation error confusion matrix - Grokbase.
Data set: Iris How to compute the confusion matrix on the data set for an LDA ( Linear. r - How do I get a predictions list from running svm in e1071 package.
R package: gbm. Project Member Reported by harry.southworth, Jan 9, 2013. The confusion matrix is obtained using the optimal number of trees as decided by cross-validation or whatever method was selected. However, think about the.
Random Forest confusion matrix. Dear R users, I have a question on the confusion matrix generated by.
confusion {DAAGxtras} | inside-R | A Community Site for R.
R help - selecting only corresponding categories from a confusion.
[R] confusion matrix - better code? from Monica Pisica on 2007-09.
confusion matrix in r package
Re: [R] Random Forest confusion matrix from Gabor Grothendieck.
Feb 27, 2009. Re: [R] Random Forest confusion matrix. This message. Why the two matrices are different? > Thinks, >. mailing list.
selecting only corresponding categories from a confusion matrix. Dear R colleagues, as a result of my calculations regarding the inter-observer-variability in bronchoscopy, I get a confusion.
Dec 2, 2012. Re: [R] e1071 SVM: Cross-validation error confusion matrix. rahul143 wrote > Hi, > > I ran two svm models in R e1071 package: the first.
R help - Random Forest confusion matrix.